Welcome to my blog
So, it seems that you want to spend some time reading what I have to say. Well, thank you and welcome! It’s my hope that each time you read something it inspires you, makes you question your beliefs, challenges you, teaches you something and hopefully gives you a few chuckles along the way. I am not a ‘writer’, but I do love to teach and this a fantastic forum for that, I will talk about what I know and sometimes challenge conventional thinking on a variety of subjects but I will never be intentionally disrespectful. Having said that though, I might ruffle the odd feather sometimes… Thanks for listening.

Riding the Waves: How Massage Therapy Helps Navigate Chronic Stress
Let’s talk about stress… Who in the last year hasn’t felt their fair share? I know most people around me have, including myself and I

Oncology Massage Rehabilitation
Oncology massage can play a very important role in helping people recover from cancer. After experiencing cancer, we all know that the rehabilitation process can

Exploring the World of Touch
Our bodies have an amazing sensory capacity. We smell, see, hear, and touch our environment, firing signals from our eyes, ears, skin, and nose to

Maintaining Safety as a Massage Therapist
Recently, the General Council for Soft Tissue Therapies completed a survey about sexual harassment in the workplace, the results were far from satisfactory finding that

Pain, Pressure, and the Nobel Prize: New research shows how we perceive touch and the role massage has to play
Touch is one of our fundamental senses. We love to touch things – soft fabrics, furry pets, other people – but scientists had struggled to

The Vital Role of Complementary Therapy
It’s that special time of year again! Happy National Complementary Therapy Week! Yes, less celebrated than other events, and we’re still waiting for our bank

How Can We Support Our Clients’ Return To Health Holistically?
I think a potential area in which some therapies could improve on is how they incorporate other specialisms into the rehab process. Sadly, some therapists

The Mindful Touch
What do I actually mean when I say “Mindful Touch”? The mindful touch, is it fluffy and light, or is it referring to an informed

5 Step Shoulder Assessment
Shoulder issues are common as they are a highly used part of the body which is put under frequent strain. It is also an area

The Use of Massage Therapy for Tendinitis/ Tendinopathy
‘Tendon disorders represent some of the most frequent orthopedic diagnoses, accounting for over 30% of all musculoskeletal consultations.’ (1) What are tendons? Tendons are the

What is Oncology Massage?
This is a question I get asked by therapists, clients, medical professionals and even by those who are well versed in the benefits of soft

Back to Covid Normality – Anxiety: A Client and Therapist’s Perspective
After a year of being isolated in our own individual bubbles we are now making a move towards normality. For many of us this shift

What is a Post Event Massage?
What is a post event massage and what do you need to know in order to deliver the most effective ‘treatment’? Is it a straight

How To Secure Your Future As A Massage Therapist After Covid-19
I think that it would be safe to say that 2020 has been a curveball, or rather a series of curveballs, for everyone. At the

How Can Massage Help Mental Health?
Most people associate massage with the physical benefits it can bring, and rightly so, as there are many! However, our bodies are incredibly complex; our

TSTR: More Than Just Stretching
A Brief History: The soft tissues of the body refer to muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. Whilst Transverse Soft Tissue Release (TSTR) is often linked

What is Sports Massage?
To be fair I am not sure anyone in the UK can answer this one fully. Understanding exactly what sports massage is, is extremely confusing

Where To Begin Your Career As A Massage Therapist?
Deciding on a career change to become a massage therapist can be daunting for many reasons. There are so many questions to which you want

The Importance of Complementary Therapy
We are, for the first time, celebrating National Complementary Therapy Week from March 23rd to March 29th 2020. To some, complementary therapy conjures up a

Secure Your Next Booking
In order to ensure the return of a client, it is important that the client leaves the first session with a positive outlook on your

The Birth of TSTR
As a tool I love Soft Tissue Release (STR) but I find the application difficult at times, especially when I stick to the rules. However,

Are We Ready To Return To Teaching?
For many the answer will be no but for NLSSM and my Oncology courses in north London, we are opening up our doors mid July

The Missing Marathon
The London Marathon was due to take place Sunday 26th April 2020. A highlight in the calendar for runners, record-breakers and fancy-dress enthusiasts. And of

Managing Client Expectations
My treatments always offer an element of relaxation but more often than not, my clients come to me wanting to be ‘fixed’ as well as

Value or Hearsay? Lymphatic Drainage in Massage Therapy
Like most forms of complementary therapy, the effects of lymphatic drainage in massage are open to discussion. As is the case with all massage types,

How Can A Relaxed Jaw Improve Your Running Speed?
If you were to observe a world class sprinter’s jaw in slow motion, you would notice how relaxed it is while running. The fluidity of

How Massage Can Aid Climbers
You might have watched a climber navigate their way around a vertical wall, or over pendulous boulder and wondered how they manage to make it

What is biotensegrity?
Recently the BIG XI conference in Belgium has taken place and I was fortunate enough to be one of the invited guests and as it

Biomechanics: Movement
The latest blog in this body mechanics series focuses on movement. The goal in massage is for us as therapists to be able to apply

Biomechanics: Alignment
This is the third blog in my Body Mechanic Series. In the first two we discussed correct couch height and looked at the basic working

Biomechanics: Posture
This is the second blog in my body mechanics series. I decided to write this series because good body mechanics is the foundation of all

Biomechanics: Bed Height
In order to work as a successful massage therapist, we need to make sure we have the best foundations possible. This series on body mechanics

Knot Correct?
The phrase “muscle knot” is widely used. Most people understand what it is to have one, but recently I’ve noticed some misinformation flying about, and

Massage Speeds Up Circulation
Our practice is portrayed as an alternative form of medical treatment – a challenger to conventional means. We have always been up against it: a

Specialising in Oncology Massage
I have been a massage therapist for 20 plus years. If you have been following my blogs and career then you may well know that

Massage, Exercise & Cancer: What Does the Evidence Say?
Historically, massage has mistakenly been viewed as a contradiction for clients who are currently undergoing treatment for, or who have a history of cancer. Traditionally,

Cancer, Exercise and Massage
Historically, massage has mistakenly been viewed as a contradiction for individuals who are currently undergoing treatment for, or who have a history of, cancer. Cancer

Cancer and Massage Therapy: Is what they’re saying true?
Right from the start, I want to make it clear that you can pretty much find studies that will counter act other studies. The intention

Reasons to Maintain Humour in Your Life
Laughter is the best medicine. An age old saying that we all know and love, but do we actually understand the truth behind it? I

Finding my Mojo
When we were first put into lockdown, everything I was working on; normal stuff that would take the school and my online massage coaching program

Are the words you speak having the desired impact?
It might seem obvious that if you improve your communication skills between yourself and your client it will lead to an increase in positive outcomes,

The Need To Specialise in Massage Therapy
Specializing is not a bad word! I understand as a therapist there is so much more that we offer and the idea of specializing might

Social Media & Blogs: Are They Useful?
You may have noticed that I’ve recently upped the ante when it comes to writing blogs and social media postings. These days I try to

How To Set Goals
Goal setting is something we are taught in our massage courses for a couple of reasons. Firstly in order to establish goals for our clients,

Are you starting to get COVID-19 weary? Isolation is sure to be an incredibly testing time for everyone, especially for us as therapists who, as

The London Marathon
Although the winter days are still short, and the weather unusually cold and white, runners are out there trying to prepare for the London Marathon.

A Guide to Post Event Work
Excerpts from Sports Massage, a hands-on guide for therapists… by Susan Findlay Event work can be rewarding, challenging, and have an air of excitement. It
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