Contact me

I’ve moved to a new location in North London! See details below. 


Mobile: +44 (0) 7754 941 922

Business Hours

Monday-Friday: 9.00am to 5.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am to 4.00pm
Sunday: Closed


Feel free to email me at:

Office address

NLSSM, The Hub, Unit 3i & 3J, 25 Ashley Road, London, N17 9LJ

How to get to The Hub

If you are coming by public transport, you can check your travel options using the Transport for London journey planner or you can create detailed directions for travelling by car or on foot using the Google map above.

Video and Picture directions of how to find The Hub can be found on the NLSSM website here. 


We are a few minutes walk away from Tottenham Hale National Rail Station and Tottenham Hale Underground Station.


Tottenham Hale Bus Station is nearby, connecting the following routes; 76, 123, N73, W4


There are paid parking bays available on-site, in the Berol Yard Car Park payable via the Pop Pay app (site code 10050). NOTE: If you are driving down Ashley Road during term time, please be advised that you cannot turn right onto Burdock Road.


The CS1 and CS4 (Cycle Superhighways) are both within 10 minutes walk, linking North London, through Central all the way to South London.

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The Hub,
Unit 3i & 3j,
25 Ashley Road,
N17 9LJ

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